Can You Identify Your Dream Life?

Have You Thought About Your Dream Life Lately?

And when you think about it, are you dreaming of your true ideal life, or are you envisioning a slightly better version of what you currently have?

I'm all about being realistic and working towards something you believe you can achieve. However, I also think it’s crucial to get real about what you truly want (not just what you think it's okay to want).

Do you want more time with family? A fancy car? A new house in a different state? Do you want to work 5-10 hours per week? Travel around Europe for a month?

I’m challenging you to think about what you ACTUALLY want and not feel guilty about it. It’s not greedy. It’s not selfish.

Now, look at the goals you are setting. Are you working toward a promotion? Starting a new business? Spending money on a home project instead of a vacation?

My challenge for you is to examine the goals you are working towards right now and consider the life you want in 10 years or even 25 years. Ask yourself if those goals are actually stepping stones in the right direction or if they are just what you think you SHOULD be working towards.

I wanted to be a broker. I wanted an office. It made sense. It felt like the logical next step. But what it didn’t do was give me more time with my family. I didn’t have a managerial passion burning inside me. It didn’t push me closer to my 10-year vision for my life, and I didn’t realize that until after I did it. Stepping back felt like failure.

What I’m working towards now also doesn’t give me more time with my family in this season, but it DOES in the next couple of years. I’m in a season of growth and building. It doesn’t mean I’ll wake up tomorrow and the life I’m dreaming of will be here. But it does mean that I am intentional with the decisions I’m making today and how they will impact my life in five years, ten years, and twenty-five years.

There is no shame or guilt needed for wanting something bigger. It’s okay to want fancy things. It’s okay if your goals and passions have changed.


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