Our Impact Goes Further Than We Know

“It’s Christmas Eve—shouldn’t I be at home with my family right now?” That was the thought running through my head as I hurried into my coffee shop to print my grocery list, determined to buy all the last-minute items for our Christmas meal. Growing up an only child, my mom always tried her best to make the holidays feel magical—Santa, gifts galore, the works—though sometimes it was just her, my grandma, and my dad coming home from a fire station shift. Now that I’m the parent, I see those moments in a different light. It’s surreal realizing I’m Santa now, the one up late wrapping presents, trying to create magic for my kids.

Still, there I was on Christmas Eve, feeling a little bummed to be away from my children. But as soon as I walked into my office, I saw a neatly wrapped gift and a typed-out card on my desk. I recognized the handwriting: it was from one of my employees. Inside that card was a heartfelt note about how much this job has meant to her—that it was an answer to her prayers, and that it all began “because I started a coffee shop.”

I’d love to say this year was smooth sailing, but it’s been the hardest one of my life. Professionally, starting a coffee shop was never about money or retirement; it was always about creating a space where people felt welcomed and cared for. Yet, I still got blindsided by personal attacks and more criticism than I ever anticipated. There were countless moments when I questioned whether I should’ve just stayed on the “safe” path I was on before. So many days, I felt like I’d “blown up” my life by chasing a dream that, from the outside, didn’t seem to make much sense.

But that note and the small, thoughtful gift reminded me why I said yes to this vision in the first place. Too often, we don’t realize the ripple effect of our actions. We can’t see every life touched by our willingness to do something different, something bold. The people we impact might never come forward and tell us, “Hey, you changed my world.” So on the rare occasion someone does, you can bet it hits you straight in the heart.

If you find yourself juggling big dreams—maybe a new business idea, a shift in your career, or a leap of faith that feels risky—remember this: most of our life-changing moments aren’t about hitting some big financial windfall or proving you were right all along. They’re about connecting with others in a meaningful way. Even if you feel the backlash from those who don’t understand your choices, keep going. Sometimes, the hardest paths lead to the most beautiful outcomes, the kind that truly light you up inside.

This holiday season, let’s not underestimate the impact we have on one another. Whether you’re a leader at your company, a parent trying to pour love into your kids, or someone quietly working behind the scenes in your community, your actions matter more than you know. That small word of encouragement, that friendly smile, that job you decided to post on a whim—it can be someone else’s answered prayer.

In a world that can feel too busy and disconnected, it’s easy to forget how close we really are to each other’s stories. This Christmas Eve, I’m incredibly grateful that I got a glimpse of God’s hand at work in my own life, showing me that the best gifts often come wrapped in a purpose we never saw coming. You might feel like you’re just printing a grocery list or rushing through a to-do, but don’t underestimate what can happen when you follow that nudge on your heart.

So, here’s my challenge for you: as you head into the new year, ask yourself where you can show up and say “yes” to the opportunities in front of you. Even if it’s messy. Even if it feels insignificant or downright scary. Because chances are, there’s someone out there waiting for exactly what you have to give. You don’t have to see the entire ripple effect for it to be real. You just have to trust that when you step out in faith, lives change—including your own. And that is the real Christmas magic.


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