How to Grow While Slowing Down

As a multi-passionate entrepreneur and mom, I always feel the urge to push for the next big achievement. But over the past two years, I've learned that growth doesn’t always mean speeding up.

Before I had kids, my goals had tight deadlines, and missing them was frustrating. Now, I understand that growth doesn’t mean instant results. Sometimes, it means slowing down to evaluate what we’re working towards and how it serves us.

Here are my tips for growing while slowing down:

1. Evaluate Your Why

Analyze the reasons behind your goals and ensure they still serve you. Ask yourself, "Why did I set this goal?" If the original reason no longer aligns with your current values or vision, it might be time to reassess.

2. Ditch Others’ Expectations

Focus on what truly matters to you, not what others expect. It’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of others’ opinions, but remember that your path is uniquely yours. Prioritize your own desires and needs.

3. Find Accountability

Surround yourself with an environment that supports both growth and rest. Whether it's a supportive partner, a like-minded friend, or a professional coach, having accountability can keep you grounded and focused.

4. Give Yourself Grace

It’s simple to say but hard to do. Prioritize tools to protect your mental health and make sure to practice self-care, especially when it feels like you don’t have time. Remember, rest is a crucial part of growth.

5. Acknowledge Your Efforts

Celebrate the work you’re doing now. If you are familiar with the concept of the gap and the gain, think about the gain. Recognize your progress and appreciate how far you’ve come, rather than fixating on how far you have to go.

6. Set Benchmark Goals

Track your progress with smaller, measurable milestones. Break down your larger goals into more manageable tasks. This makes it easier to see progress and keeps you motivated along the way.

7. Get Comfortable Saying No

To reach your goals, you may need to say no to otherwise good opportunities. Not every opportunity is right for you at every moment. Learning to say no can free up time and energy for what truly matters.

8. Adapt Your Goals

Don’t be afraid to change your goals if they no longer serve you as expected. Life changes, and so should your goals. Be flexible and willing to pivot when necessary to align with your evolving aspirations.

Enjoy the journey and remember that sometimes the most significant growth happens when you slow down. Taking the time to reflect, reassess, and realign can lead to deeper, more sustainable progress.


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