Why Not You? How I Opened a New Business With No Experience and No Excuses

Last week, I launched a business in an industry I knew nothing about. No experience, no background, no blueprint. But I didn’t let that stop me. Instead of letting my lack of experience hold me back, I saw a need and jumped in to fill it. I didn’t make excuses like, "I don’t know how" or "I don’t have the time or money." I did what every successful entrepreneur does – I figured it out.

I found people who had done it before. I leaned into the things that made sense, and I just went for it. Along the way, I encountered hurdles I never could have expected, both personally and professionally, but guess what? I did it anyway.

And that’s the message I want to share today: Too many people let fear of failure or inexperience stop them from chasing their dreams. We convince ourselves that we need more experience, more knowledge, or more time. But the truth is, you won’t really learn until you start doing.

Here’s the reality – it’s scary. You’re not going to have it all figured out, and the roadblocks will come. But that’s exactly how you build a strong resume – by walking through those difficult moments, by navigating those challenges. That’s how you separate yourself from the people who quit at the first sign of struggle.

What I’ve learned is that resources are always out there. You can always find someone who has been where you are and can answer your questions or give you advice. The key is to get into the right communities, surround yourself with the right people, and ask the right questions.

At the end of the day, passion is far more valuable than experience. Passion is what keeps you going when the obstacles feel impossible to overcome. It’s what sets you apart in a crowded market. When you find something that lights a fire in you, instead of immediately thinking “I can’t,” start asking yourself, “Why not me?”

I didn’t open this business because I had the perfect skill set or background for it. I opened it because I wanted to, and I was passionate about it. And that passion has gotten me through every bump in the road so far.

So, if you’ve been dreaming of something, stop letting inexperience or fear hold you back. There will never be a "perfect" time or the "right" amount of knowledge. The secret is to start now, be ready to learn as you go, and lean into your passion.

Why not you?


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